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Think Pink Scrapkit 2009

For You Mum...
Think Pink - The color of hope

The Scrapbooking Group I belong to
suggested making a Breast Cancer Awareness Kit,
because October is just the BCA Month.
I really begin this kit for it, but in the meantime,
Mum , an Alzheimer for about 14 years, is died!
So I have decided to dedicate this one to her.

Il gruppo di Scrapbooking al quale appartengo,
ha suggerito di creare un kit per la sensibilizzazione
della ricerca sul cancro al seno.
Ho cominciato a preparare il kit proprio per questo,
ma nel frattempo la mia Mamma,
che era un Alzheimer da quasi 14 anni, è venuta a mancare.
Cosi ho pensato di dedicarlo a lei.
Dear Mum, I miss you!

Feel free to download it if you like.

The kit......HERE
The Papers.....HERE

The full kit(kit+papers+other elements)

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Close the page after download

Other Elements

Click to the images to download


The colour/palette

Enjoy your stop!

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