Tutorial PSP - How to Make a Rabbit

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Copyright © Charlieonline.it 2002 - 2024
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Tutorial written by  ©charlieonline graphics
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

Please feel free to link to this tutorial,
and/or print it out for your own personal use,
BUT do not upload, share, or re-write or translate it without permission.

Besides you may not script it and sell the script.
You may not sell works from my Presets or Tutorials

All my works are for personal use only, and with no profit-websites

Anything made from my tutorials is for personal use,
and may not be used on commercial sites or blogs.

When displaying the results from my tutorials, a link to this site is required.

It goes without saying that my resources cannot be used for anything
pornographic, obscene, deflamatory, or in violation of the law.
Thank you!

This tutorial was written using PSP9
but may be done with other versions,
and assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies needed:

my ch-Round-Triangle2.PspShape, ch-heartbord3.PspShape and a goldpattern ==> HERE  

EyeCandy3 - Jiggle
AlienSkin EyeCandy5 - Impact - Glass


Extract and save my ch-heartbord3.PspShape and ch-Round-Triangle2.PspShape
to your Preset Shapes folder
Extract and save the goldpattern5.bmp to your Patterns folder

Set your Foreground to null
and Background to White color - alternated to  #ffe1de

Remember to save often.

Let's begin!!

1 - Create a New Transparent Image 500x500 pixel - 200 DPI
Raster Background checked - 16 million colors

Open your Preset Shape Ellipse Tool on the left
and whith the background to White draw an ellipse setting like this

Convert to Raster Layer
Rename as Ear dx

Image - Mirror
and place it at the left of the original
and rename it Ear sn

Layers - Arrange - Move Down

Return on the Ear dx layer
Make sure it is active

2 - Open your Preset Shape Ellipse Tool again
change the background to  #ffe1de
and draw out an ellipse setting as below

Convert to Raster Layer
and rename as Pink Shadow dx

Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius = 9
Low the Opacity to 74

Image - Mirror
place it at the left of the original
on the Ear sn
and rename it Pink Shadow sn

Layers - Arrange - Move Down

Return on the Ear dx layer
Make sure it is active

3 - Open your Magic Wand Selection tool
and set as below

You have to click in a point of your layer, a little off  the Ear dx

Press the Delete Key

Selections - Select none

***Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 3 - Jiggle as below

Click again off your image with your Magic Wand

Press the Delete Key

Selections - Select none***

Now return on the Ear sn layer
Make sure it is active

and make the same thing

4 - Open your Preset Shapes Ellipse Tool again
change the background to White again, and draw out an ellipse setting as below

Convert to Raster Layer
and rename as Head

Open your Magic Wand Selection tool
but change the blur to 17

Click off the Head image
Press the Delete Key

Selections - Select none

Repeat from *** to ***

5 - Open your Preset Shapes Ellipse Tool again
and draw out an ellipse setting as below

Convert to Raster Layer
and rename as Hand dx

Open your Magic Wand Selection tool
but change the blur to 15 again

Click off the Hand image
Press the Delete Key

Selections - Select none

Repeat from *** to ***

Image - Mirror
Place it at the left of the Head
as finished work
and rename as Hand sn

Now the feet

6 - Click on your Preset Shapes Ellipse Tool again
and draw out an ellipse setting as below

Right click - Convert to Path

Click on the Pen Tool
Add nodes and Shape your ellipse something like this

Convert to Raster Layer
and rename as foot dx

Open your Magic Wand Selection tool
same settings

Click off the Foot image
Press the Delete Key

Selections - Select none

Repeat from *** to ***

Image - Mirror
and place it at the left of the Head
as finished work
and rename it Foot sn

Your image should look like this

Return on the Foot dx layer
Make sure it is active

7 - Click on your Preset Shapes Ellipse Tool again
change the background to  #ffe1de again
and draw out an ellipse setting as below

Right click - Convert to Path

Click on the Pen Tool
Add nodes and Shape your ellipse something like this

Convert to Raster Layer
and rename as Shadow-foot dx

Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius = 9

Image - Mirror
place it at the left of the original
on the Foot sn
and rename it Shadow-foot sn

Put this image aside

8 - Open a New Transparent Image 250x250 pixel

Click on your Preset Shapes Tool on the left
and search for ch-heartbord3, and setting as

Turn out your Foreground color, change it to Patterns
and choose goldpattern5.bmp (Angle 0 - Scale 100)

Keep Background to #ffe1de

draw an image like this

Convert to Raster Layer

Open your Magic Wand Selection tool again
but change the blur to 0 (zero)

Click in the center of your heart

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Effects 3D - Cutout
setting as

Selections - Select none

Click on your Text tool
choose a font you like, I use CAC Champagne size 48

and write the text "Love"
Convert to Raster layer and move it as finished

Effects 3D - Drop Shadow
setting as

Layer - Merge Visible

Image - Copy

9 - Return on your image you put aside

Click on Head layer Make sure it is active and past as New layer

Move it as finished

Your image should look like this

There are still the eyes, the nose and the mouth
to finish the tutorial

So....... go ahead!

The Eyes

10 - Click on your Preset Shape Ellipse Tool  again
Set your Background to Black, Foreground should be off  
and draw out an ellipse setting as below

Convert to Raster Layer

Effects - Plugins - AlienSkin EyeCandy5 - Impact - Glass

Go to Settings folder and on the Factory Settings,
click on Clear, No Drop Shadow
with default settings
Place it as finished

and move it at the left of the original

Then the nose

11 - Click on your Preset Shapes Tool
and search for ch-Round-Triangle2

Set your Background to  #ffe1de, Foreground off  
and draw out an image like this

Convert to Raster Layer
Image - Flip
and place it beneath the eyes

Apply Plugin - EC5 - Impact - Glass with previous settings

At last the mouth

12- Click on your  Pen tool setting as below

Set Foreground to Black and Background Null

and draw the mouth
as the following images

Convert toRaster Layer

Layer - Merge Visible
and save as .pspimage or  .png


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
If you have any questions or need clarification
post a message to my Contacts.

Written at the end of February 2010

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