Tag Swans&Herons

Copyright © Charlieonline.it 2002 - 2024
All Right Reserved

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Copyright © Charlieonline.it 2002 - 2024
All Right Reserved

Written by Charlieonline.it 
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Please feel free to print it out for your own personal use. 
But do not copy it in anyway to put on-line or re-write without permission. 

This tutorial was written using PSP9, 
but may be done with other versions,
and assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Herons tube is by ©rystal
I found the others on the net,
and I don't know who are the tubers, but the copyright belongs to him/her.
If you know who hi/she is, please, can you post a message in to my "Contatti"

Supplies needed: QUI

Plugins: Alien Skin Xenofex2 - Burnt Edge


Extract all the tubes to a folder of your choice, or in Psp and minimize them.
Extract texture to My Documents\My PSP Files\Textures folder.

Set the foreground to #5c4d6f 
  and the background to #b2a4c6

Set the gradient as follows:

Remember to save often!

Let's begin!

 Open a new image 570x450 px, transparent background;
Raster background checked; Color depth 16 million colors

Flood fill with the gradient

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Xenofex2 - Burnt Edge

click ok!

Open ©rystal_AMisted010706,
Copy, return to your working image, 
Edit - Paste as New Layer.

Place it as follows:

Duplicate 2 or 3 times
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Open the Freehand Selection Tool with this settings:

 and select a small portion of the water
as the following image:

Selections - Select None
and paste as new layer for a lot of times
till to cover the purple background
as the following:

or as you like! cuts other portions that you feel appropriate.
Do not worry if they seem a bit random, will then be covered by the other tubes.

Now you have to do the same with some portions of tree

so select it, copy
Add a new Raster Layer
and paste all portions into selection
Selections - Select none

Image - Reflect
and place it as finished

You have to remove all parts that off out
the jagged edge of the background layer.

Open 14-2-06swans_sw2 
Resize to 65%

Copy, return to your working image, 
and paste as New Layer.
Place it as finished

Duplicate twice
Layer - Merge - Merge Down

Open swan tube
Copy, return to your working image, 
and paste as New Layer.
Place it as finished
Duplicate twicev Layer - Merge - Merge Down

Add your watermark
Layer - Merge - Merge Visible

Add a New Raster Layer
flood fill with the background

Effects - Texture Effects - Texture
On the drop list choose brightfolds2.bmp and set as following:

click Ok! Rename it as Sfondo

Be Carefull!

you have to activate the layer Uniti
(make sure it is select)

Selections - Select all
Selections - Floatv Selections - Defloat

Now you have to activate the layer Sfondo
(make sure it is select)
Press the Delete Key

Selections - Select None.

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:

Repeat but change Horizontal and Vertical to -1

Add a border 1 px with the foreground

and save as .jpg  

Written on March 2007

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Copyright © Charlieonline.it 2002 - 2024
All Right Reserved

 I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.

My Tutorials are Registered at TWI

If you have any questions, please write a message to my "Contatti"

Copyright © Charlieonline.it 2002 - 2024
All Right Reserved

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