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Charlieonline PSP Shapes

Please read my TOU's

My PsShapes   My PspShapes

These shapes was made by me using Ellipses, Pen and other tools
Please, respect my TOU's attached in the zip/rar format

Alcune immagini sono al 40%
Some images are to 40%

Charlieonline's Creations 

ch-doodle21 (This shape was made by me using Pen tool)

ch-pumpkin2 (This shape was made by me using Pen tool)

ch-doodle21 (This shape was made by me using Pen tool)

ch-star9 (This shape was made by me using Pen tool)

ch-cubo (This shape was made by me using Rectangle tool)

ch-book (This shape was made by me using Rectangle tool)

ch-Round-Triangle1(This shape was made by me using Ellipsis tool)
Go to my Make Mushroom tutorial.....Here

ch-Mushroom1 (This shape was made by me using Ellipsis tool)
Go to my Make Mushroom tutorial.....Here

ch-egg2(This shape was made by me using Ellipsis tool)

ch-Egg3(This shape was made by me using Ellipsis tool)

ch-egg4 (This shape was made by me using Ellipsis tool)

Enjoy your stop!
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Se hai dubbi o ti servono chiarimenti posta un messaggio nei "Contatti"
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